Japanese Culture: Tokidoki

Welcome to the wonderful world that is tokidoki.

This brand since debuting in 2005 has gained a huge mass-following for it’s larger (and cuter) than life characters. I really adore this brand because of how much it is inspired by Japanese culture and everything is so cute and adorable. Even when characters are made to ‘mean’ looking, it’s just really cute because they’re tough little chibi characters.

photo from: http://www.tokidoki.it/characters/ Simone Legno 2005

photo from:
Simone Legno

Who doesn’t love UNICORNS?!?!!? Obviously Simone Legno likes unicorns. I love these ones because there are tough badass unicorns, but then there are they cute stereotypical girly unicorns. Unicorns for all different types of people.

photo from: http://www.tokidoki.it/characters/ Simone Legno 2005

photo from:
Simone Legno 2005

I think the Moofia characters are some of my favorites because they’re all cartons of milk, or a girl in a cow costume with a machine gun. There’s that reason and just saying Moofia is fun and it’s all just cuteness overload!!!

photo from: http://www.tokidoki.it/characters/ Simone Legno 2005

photo from:
Simone Legno

Cactus friends. They are cactuses? cacti?…. that just want to be your friend. Just look at the cactus kitty and bunny, and cactus skeleton with a jetpack. It’s awesome.

photo from http://www.tokidoki.it/characters/ Simone Legno 2005

photo from
Simone Legno

I really love these ^^ characters because, well just look at how cute they are! The ‘Til Death Do Us Part characters center around a little adorable skeleton couple who also happen to have a skeleton cat and dog. And yes their tails are scythes.

This is Simone Legno himself. The creative mind behind the popular brand “Tokidoki.” He was born and raised in Rome, Italy where, as a child, he would draw non-stop. Eventually all of his drawings led him to create Tokidoki. Legno has always been obsessed with Japanese culture. Tokidoki means “sometimes” in Japanese he named his brand after this word because he feels “everyone waits for moments that change one’s destiny, by chance or by meeting a new person”.

“tokidoki is the hope, the hidden energy that everyone has inside, It gives us the strength to face a new day and dream about something positive and the hope that something magical will happen to us.” – Simone Legno

This is one of my favorite brands. It has something for all sorts of different people that they will like. And there are WAY, WAY more characters than the small amount i put in this post. There are so many people who love this brand that they get tattoos of characters, and even the girls. This is a very versatile brand that is going to be even more successful than it already is.

I wanna know which characters are your favorite. Leave a comment below!

xo, B


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