Skins Part 3: Tony Stonem

Now for another installment of Skins. This is the very first character that is introduced in the series, Tony Stonem

He appears in the first episode. You could say that Tony is a player and a manipulator. He gets plays with people and gets them to do whatever he wants them to do. He even manages to keep his girlfriend despite cheating on her with a heavily medicated private school girl.

This quote definitely sums up who Tony was in the first season. He was very full of himself and didn’t care much for the people around him. The only person he seemed to actually care about was his sister Effy. Tony would do what he pleased and usually got what he wanted when he wanted it.

photo from: 22 November 2008

photo from:
22 November 2008

In some strange sense Tony’s distant douchey exterior made him just lovable enough for you to not completely hate him. But he had his moments. At first I never really liked Tony that much, but as the show progressed I started to really like him because he actually did care about the people around him. But that didn’t really come until the second season.

Despite having some of the most complicated relationships with his friends, he was always very honest and open with his sister. He truly loves her and it shows. One night Effy snuck out as usual, but she never came back home. Tony found out where she was, convinced his best friend to steal his dad’s care so they could get her, and had a lot of problems along the way.
Tony was being his typically A-hole self and his best friend, Sid, was so fed up that he took the car and left Tony in the middle of nowhere. Tony wasn’t about to leave Effy, so he went on to find her. And he did, he found her passed out at a party and things just got worse from there. Let’s put it this way, Tony had to carry Effy back home in his arms because she was still passed out and he was in nothing but his underwear and socks.
He really cares about Effy.

Tony doesn’t truly become a great character until the second season. He gets hit by a bus in the last episode of the first season, and we don’t know whether he lives or dies until the next season. *Spoiler alertz* he lives. And he experiences a total personality change. He had to rely on everyone around him to do the simplest of tasks. He couldn’t do anything for himself.
He also finally realized how much he loved his girlfriend, until the night he got hit. He was actually on the phone with her telling her that he loved her and she was the only one (pictured above). However, he never remembered telling her that, so the second season is filled with Michelle trying to get Tony to remember what happened between them.

So much drama such little time. But I really love Tony because of all the drama he stirs up. He really is a great character.
I want to know your opinion on Tony, so let me know in the comments below!

xo, B





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