Ellen Page is GAY!

Just in case you haven’t heard the lovely Canadian actress, Ellen Page, came out as gay on Valentine’s Day at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
If you wanna see check out her speech here it is:

video from youtube.com ADNewsVideos 14 February 2014

If you closely listen to Ellen’s voice towards the end of the video clip, you can hear her trying to old back her tears. She is by far one of the strongest woman that I aspire to be. A lot of proof of her strength is in this video. Coming out is always a really hard thing to do, especially in an industry which conforms people. Yet Ellen wanted to stay true to who she is and she even said herself “I’m tired of hiding.”

Ellen Page is not only a strong woman for what she just accomplished on Valentine’s Day, but for the roles she has chosen to play over the years. When she was 18 she was in her first big movie, Hard Candy. She played one of the most disturbing, dark, beautifully twisted, and empowering. Hayley Stark a 14 year old completely tortures a sexual predator. In reality don’t we all wish we could teach sexual predators a thing or two? Sure the things she does are extremely out there, but at least she gets her point across.

photo from:  http://starcrush.com/juno-quotes-gifs/ StarCrush Staff

photo from:
StarCrush Staff

2007’s Juno is another great example of Ellen Page staying true to herself. Although I’m sure she didn’t get pregnant her junior year in high school, she took on the role with the grace and humor that only Ellen Page could. She brought a personality and life into Juno that no one else could. Page was just a total pregnant badass in this film, as you can probably tell from this gif set (it’s my favorite moment in the film.) Case closed.

Now onto my personal favorite film (probably of all time): Whip It. Ellen Page provides a true, personal perspective on being who you are. Page plays our heroine Bliss, an average Texas teenage girl. Her mother wants her to compete in those outrageous beauty pageants. However, that’s not what Bliss wants. It’s what her mom wants. Bliss finds out about roller derby, tries out and becomes a Hurl Scout. She kept this a secret from her parents, and do you blame her? I think we all keep things secret from out parents if we know they aren’t going to approve. But, her parents finally find out and they actually accept her for wanting to be true to herself.

Ellen Page is a huge inspiration to me. I really do aspire to be like her one day. She is brave and powerful and with the help of her voice hopefully the LGBTQ+ community will have a stronger voice in society and help make themselves heard.
“This world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be LESS HORRIBLE to one another” – Ellen Page

xo puddins, B

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