Lovely Lady: Justice

This is Justice.
She is a very good friend of mine and I wanted other people to get a glimpse of the super rad girl that she is.
I also decided to shake things up by having her take pictures of herself.


“So why do you dress the way that you do?”
“it makes me feel more confident with how I look.”

“Why is being confident in what you’re wearing important? If it is important at all?”
“It’s important to me personally because I’ve had experience with bullying in the past and so actually having self confidence is something that takes a lot of effort.”


“What is one piece of your wardrobe you can’t live without?”
“Um, if makeup counts as a piece of wardrobe than that, but it probably doesn’t, so leggings.”


“What do you think your clothes say about you? What do you think people think of you based on what you wear?”
“My clothes really only tell a small part of my personality. They say things that I would think say I’m happy and a fun person I be around. I try and make myself as approachable as possible with what I wear.”

“Is there anything you want people to know about you?”
“That no matter how I dress I’m still myself, and most importantly a human being. My clothes won’t alter my personality. I want people to know that I’m myself an I’m proud.”

What do you feel people think about you?
xo Happy Valentine’s Day, B

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